Sometimes I feel like being a Christian doesn't make me happy.......before you call Pastor Dan or Justin, listen.....there is a reason for this. It's because in those times, I'm not being a real Christian(Christ follower). Its because in those times, I'm not seeking Christ first in my life. In those times my soul is not at peace. It is at battle with whatever I'm making my god at that time. See, I've given my self to Jesus, as Pastor Dan has said, Christ paid for me, He owns me, His blood paid the price, and I have accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour. So when I'm not 100% sold out for Christ, deep down inside of me, my soul, my heart knows that there is something wrong, Jesus knows there is something wrong. The end result, I'm unhappy, I'm not at peace. So this results in the roller coaster ride some people call Christianity. BUT WAIT.....this is not the unhappy life Jesus wants for us!!! Jesus does not want us to worry.(Matthew6:24-34) If we seek him first in all things, he will provide and we will be happy. So when I feel like being a Christan isn't making me happy, I know now that being a Christian isn't ever about me. And as soon as my focus goes from God to me, I won't be happy, and I need to look up for my answers, and put my faith back in God.
I wrote this because I have a feeling I'm not the only person that gets this way. I hope that it helps you if you do. Please comment back to let me know what you think. That is why this page is called work in progress. We are all learning and growing everyday....and will always be a work in progress.