I'm faced with a decision. For starters, I love animals. I would like to say i like animals more than people, but that wouldn't be very nice, so I won't. Here's the deal, I've been breeding my Australian Cattle Dog, Dingo, to a suitable, compatible, girlfriend of his named Cinnamon. She is a Red Australian Cattle Dog as well. Here is the bad news, she was recently hit by a car, and didn't make it. (Moment of Silence) So, I'm now trying to find a new "girlfriend" for Dingo. I'm hoping to find someone who has a female they want Dingo to bread to. What I don't really want to do is get a puppy, raise it, and do the breeding all here at my house. But, I feel like that might happen. Cattle Dogs aren't the most profitable dog on the market.(Unlike the useless fluffy cuddle bugs Josiah breads)JK. So, what do I do?
Look here
Too many cattle dogs in shelters. Why breed? I have 2 - red and blue. I get them from a breeder who truly values the breed and spends tons of money to do her best to insure that her puppies are constantly improving. She shows and is very very involved in all aspects of the breed. Before you make more cattle dogs, check your local shelter websites and see how sad they look when they've given up, don't understand why they're in a concrete and metal cage and curl up in a corner. Please don't breed your dog.
Not to breed.....or if you do so please do it responsibly! "Dogs" and "profitable" should never be used in the same sentence by someone that TRULY cares about the breed. Responsible breeders are always in the hole after a litter, they don't breed for profit. Please reconsider your motives and think about neutering your dog. There are several responsible breeders in Illinois that would likely be more than happy to take you under their wing if you are truly interested in bettering the breed. http://www.acdca.org and http://www.cattledog.com will start you in the right direction!
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