When I was a brand new Christian I read the book Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. Literally about 1 month after I was saved, josiah told me to read it.(he may have bought it for me??) Anyway...I was really inspired. Rob put Christianity into perspective for me. He pointed out that God made ALL things good, not just what's IN the church. He explained how Jesus wasn't confined to the church, that we couldn't and shouldn't put a limit on Christ. That booked proved to me, through the Word and Rob's Creativity that Christians weren't here to battle one another. That just because one denomination has one style, or one church has a few religious strong holds, we don't have to talk bad about them or over analyze and critique them, if anything we can learn from one another.
We are ONE church...made up of differences. Craig Groeschel, from life chuch said. "as christians we have one common enemy that unites us...the devil" I really believe that is the problem. It is not Rob Bell who is messing christians up. It is not the world itself. It is not pop culture. It is not catholics. It is not people at all. It IS what the devil is doing in all of these people and to the world. What makes Christians better than non-Christians? What makes some Christians better than other Christians? They aren't.......Grace is the only answer. We are all failures with out Christ, anyone, at anytime, could end up in any failing situation with out Grace. Why does everyone blame other people. Did Christ call any of us to Judge? Or to preach negatively about other Christians or Churches. Yeah, to warn against false teachings, but not to elaberate on how terrible or evil someone is. So, the sooner Christian stop attacking other Christians and go to war with Devil, the sooner outsiders will be saved and Christ will be seen for who he really is...LOVE. Thats just my opinion. I may be wrong