Thursday, October 9, 2008

Isaac Wafula I know I am a little behind the 8ball on this one. But I am excited to have finally sponsored a LIL African boy!! He was for sure the cutest boy on there. He is 4 years old and in pre-school. Welcome to the family! Dingo, Alfie, Tucker & Lexi say hi! lol

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

late nights......

For some crazy reason I have been staying up until 3 AM lately. I can't seem to go to sleep. I have been more productive between 10pm and 2am than I should be. The problem is.....I'm not real productive between 7am and a should be. Tonight I manhandled my messy, unorganized garage. I started at 930, and finished it up at about 2. Needless to say......It was terrible when I started. After many trips up and down the wiggly attic ladder and out to the trash, I'm satisfied. I could actually pull a car in there.....for now. I'm sure after one decent sized project it will look like a tornado touched down. I almost forgot....My shop light above my work bench caught on fire out of no where. Not really sure what that was all about. pretty weird.

Monday, September 8, 2008

bridging the gap

Over the last 6 months or so I have had a reacurring thought about "bridging the gap" between the church and outsiders. I feel like God has been calling me to do something about it. I believe we need to bring the church to the quad cities, before we can bring the quad cities to church. I want to not only say Rock church is a different church, but first prove it. Here is the deal, he staff at the church is doing there part....I believe that. But WE, THE CHURCH, aren't. I feel like God has called me to lead a volenteer funded and opperated ministry. I want to be able to do things for christ that don't just "please" outsiders. I want them to say....."REALLY?" Jesus would do that?....for me? How do I learn more? I'm talking about concerts, bar game triathalons, motocross shows, benefits, etc. I don't have all of the answers. but I feel like the one answer I do have, is the one God is looking for.......YES....YES....YES....I WILL DO IT.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

who?? VS. who??

When I was a brand new Christian I read the book Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. Literally about 1 month after I was saved, josiah told me to read it.(he may have bought it for me??) Anyway...I was really inspired. Rob put Christianity into perspective for me. He pointed out that God made ALL things good, not just what's IN the church. He explained how Jesus wasn't confined to the church, that we couldn't and shouldn't put a limit on Christ. That booked proved to me, through the Word and Rob's Creativity that Christians weren't here to battle one another. That just because one denomination has one style, or one church has a few religious strong holds, we don't have to talk bad about them or over analyze and critique them, if anything we can learn from one another.

We are ONE church...made up of differences. Craig Groeschel, from life chuch said. "as christians we have one common enemy that unites us...the devil" I really believe that is the problem. It is not Rob Bell who is messing christians up. It is not the world itself. It is not pop culture. It is not catholics. It is not people at all. It IS what the devil is doing in all of these people and to the world. What makes Christians better than non-Christians? What makes some Christians better than other Christians? They aren't.......Grace is the only answer. We are all failures with out Christ, anyone, at anytime, could end up in any failing situation with out Grace. Why does everyone blame other people. Did Christ call any of us to Judge? Or to preach negatively about other Christians or Churches. Yeah, to warn against false teachings, but not to elaberate on how terrible or evil someone is. So, the sooner Christian stop attacking other Christians and go to war with Devil, the sooner outsiders will be saved and Christ will be seen for who he really is...LOVE. Thats just my opinion. I may be wrong

Monday, July 7, 2008

Rob Bell

So I was searching for Rob Bell's blog page. I typed in Rob Bell Blog at google. I didn't find his blog page, so I clicked on this article just out of curiousity . I was really shocked by what I read. It kinda irritated me a little. This whole One church...One prayer series must not have reached this writer. Check it out. tell me if I'm wrong.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Here is a response to my last blog. For starters, in KYC leadership we took a strengths test. One of my greatest strengths was adaptability. I already knew that, and if you know me, you did too. This is the problem, as a Christ follower, I am not here to adapt. Sure, it can help, I can relate to people that others can't. I can feel comfortable in most situations. But at the same time, I need to stand apart. Though I'm sure that I'm everything normal, I tend to feel the need to adapt, go with the flow. The problem is, my adapting stands out. So here I am, put into a lot of different situations, adapting to all of them. By my personality strengths/traits I'm naturally going to do that. So I've figured out the problem.......what about the solution.? If I'm at a construction site, I relate to them, and adapt. I think like they do, not 100%, but enough. I might even act like they do, and say things that they would say. If I'm at the moto X races....the same thing. I've been in the same situations that all of these people have been in. I've felt the same way. Instead of relating but standing out....I fall right back to where I was. I please people...that's what I'm doing. I don't think that the answer is to get away from these situations....God gave me my strengths. I need to use them to Glorify Him, not people. The beauty of all of this is I do have wonderful Christian friends that I can adapt to.....but that's not really the answer either. I need to be adapting to Jesus. This is the worst/best realizations of my life. Super frustrating. but relieving. Plz comment back. I need help

Monday, April 21, 2008

I've been thinking!>!?!!???

So.....I have been a christian for about 1 year now. That is good news! I have led some of my family to christ, and some of my friends. I have found a beautiful, smart, strong women of God. I have so many new friends that help me stay in me me be a better friend, boyfriend, man of God. There are so many changes that I could talk about. So many new doors that have been opened. God is amazing...there is no question about that. His grace has made my life possible....worthy...
and presentable. I'm excited about all of this...and even more excited about the things to come. Here is what is bothering me. There are things, people from my past that I have to let go of, keep at a distance. I understand the importance of this in order for me to grow. There are some things, people that I can't seem to find the courage or the reason why I should. The problem is, they are great friends, people that are being corrupted by bad company just like I was. They may or may not know the Good News. They may or may not have experienced Christ and his Loving Grace. My question is how do I know who/what to let go of. They may need me, I may be there only hope. I want to be able be apart of their lives, I might have what they need. I have so many different friends from different situations. People that would do anything for me. How could I just give up on them.? I am involved in a whole community of Motocross racers and their families. Do I walk away from those relationships? Those people who wouldn't walk away from me? Where do I spend my time, who do I spend it with. I have all of these concerns, day in and day out. I would go crazy with a simple life......but maybe this life is a little to crazy. I feel like I'm spinning in circles trying to catch a glimpse of all that goes by. Hoping to make a difference in all that I see.